Saturday, February 9

Don't dream your life, Live your dream.

I found the sentence above in one of my notes, I don't remember when I wrote it or why I wrote it but I'm so sure that I did to make my self feel better and to stay optimistic through this tough life.

As one of my best friends said, "Let's all be super optimistic" , she really made me happy when she said it, it gave a good feeling to know people like her, optimistic almost all the time.

Always remember there's nothing impossible, the impossible word says that, "Im Possible" which means everything can be done in a certain way !

Let's keep our faith in mighty Allah, and do the things in a good way that doesn't conflict with our believes.

Wish you all the best,

1 comment:

Daisy said...

u're right and the feeling that we felt
or the tear that we droped won't ever
change the facts so, being sad ! or even hopeless that won't help
the self or even anyone else !..
so we gotta step up and think postively ..
to support our power so we could
do something or change something ..

no matter what our nicknames carry ;P~
but, it's all about the soul isn't it ?


with full respect
sad feeling