Tuesday, June 24

Moved to ..

Hello everyone

This is my last post here, because I moved to

So, See you there fellows

Oops, the link
Here it is
Click Here

Friday, June 13

Friends Day !!?!

It might be a little late for this topic, but I chose to make it late better, so I can be more specific about what I want to write and to make sure about some certain things/people before judging them.

As you all know "Friends Day" happened to be in the last month, to be more accurate was on 25th of May. The first time I hread about it was the last year, you may think it's weired but it's true, and most of these kind of days I don't really know about at all ! I just know them when they come and people say or do things related to that day, or even ask how come I don't know about it !!

Well, sometime I want to say to them "get lost", it's the last thing I would care about, and the day that I really really really hate is, ok take a deep breath, Mother's Day :) Yeaaaah, the last thing that I'm going to do is to show my mother that I love her and bring her a gift only on that day !! Thanks to Allah I care about her every day and show her love and bring her things she never think I might buy to her.

Back to the subject ;)
Last year I heared about friends day, and it was when I received some text messages from some best friends, good friends and friends. I was surprised by the number of the messages, never thought that some of them will ever remember me ! Some never called before or sent a message at least once a month and some kept in touch for a while then simply disappeared and only on that day they thought about me!. I remember I got more than 5 text messages last year and felt good about it, but after a while I felt betrayed, I don't know why but maybe because I thought they thought of me and then ignored me till the next year (which is now) or because I felt like I didn't have that much of good and best friends.

This year I got in touch with an old good friend, we promised to meet as soon as possible but she got busy with her exams and after that I got busy with my ICDL course, so the meeting was delayed. The thing that made me happy is that she truly cared, not just by sending a "friends day" text message but also in sending other messages and e-mails, I see her online every once in a while and catch up, this one I can really call a "very" good friend.

I have a best friend but I'll talk about that later, lets go to "friends", those who sent me in the last year only and never heared of them again, I tried my best to stay in touch with them but it was a very hard process, seriously harder than you can imagine! It gave me a feeling that I wasn't a good friend when I decided to stop trying getting in touch with them, and I talked with a very close person about this and told me not to care, as long as they didn't try to at least react then they don't deserve my time. It's hard I know but it's also true. If I want to keep them as friends and did my best to make them good friends but they didn't do anything why should I continue on that ?! am I right ?

Best friends, there's a lot to say about them and it's just not enough. I have one best friend and proud to say I have "one" because I think it's the best thing to have one best friend than 2 or 3, and better than having none of close people.
I miss her a lot, she's very busy studying and I love that about her, that thing in her motivated me to do lots of things and she gave me a push to everything I was afraid to do in my life.
Honesty, that's how friends should be to each other, very honest and tell you about your flaws and mistakes at any time. Simply act like a mirror ! They know what you want to say without saying a word about it and knows exactly how you feel and what would you feel if they said anything to you. They won't let a day pass by without making things right when it gets bad between you, whether it's your mistake or theirs be sure they will come up to you if they were your best friends.

We have different opinion almost in everything, me and my best friend, which gives us a chance to talk about everything, every time we talk or meet we learn new things about each other. It needs more than one post to talk about best friends and I think no matter how much I talk about her it would never ever be enough.

I know she won't read this now, maybe never, but it makes me feel great that I know shes around, even thought it's been like three weeks since the last call and months since the last meeting but I know she's here.

I used to think that it's necessary to have plenty of friends around you, but the tought of one person who will always be there for you is enough. I have a very close person in my life also, we never met in real life so I think it deserve best "online" friend title :) I'm thankful that I've met these two, I feel like I'm between two mirrors when they're both online :D which makes me more comfortable.

Feel free to say and comment about anything here, this post is to discuss friendships and relationships. I had other things in my mind before but didn't have the time back then to write and I forgot them by today, when I remember I'll update this post.

Have a nice day...